How do you demonstrate effective Business Continuity?


8 October 2007

On 30 October 2007, BSI Management Systems will be running three Business Continuity events in London, Tokyo and New York. Simultaneously, BSI will explain how BS 25999, the new standard for Business Continuity Management, when coupled with independent assessment and certification, can contribute to the success and, ultimately, the survival of organizations.

Business Continuity Management (BCM) has evolved to help organizations continue to operate and succeed and is an essential management discipline. BCM’s growing significance has driven the development of a visionary best practice standard. BS 25999 provides a framework for implementing, managing and maintaining effective Business Continuity. But how do organizations demonstrate to their stakeholders that they meet best practice? At each event BSI Management Systems will set out to show that independent third-party certification is an effective and proven tool for organizations to manage and maintain such a business critical practice.

Key note speakers from both the private and public sector will be discussing the important business continuity issues, challenges and solutions together with where BS 25999 fits in. Confirmed high profile speakers include Jim Caverly, Director of Infrastructure Partnerships for the US Government’s Department of Homeland Security, Atsuyuki Sassa, the former and first head of the Japanese Government’s Cabinet Security Affairs Office and Bruce Mann, Head of the British Government's Civil Contingencies Secretariat. Meanwhile, BSI experts will be on hand to unravel the detail surrounding BS 25999 and the route to certification.

The events are aimed at executives who have the most to gain from having effective and demonstrative BCM in place. Likewise, those who are responsible for Business Continuity implementation and compliance will also gain from attending.

An attendee at one of these events will:

• Discover how BS 25999 and certification can contribute to their organization’s survival.
• See how certification benefits their business by enhancing and maintaining resilience.
• Learn how certification can help improve their bottom line and win more business.
• Find out why certification can help improve the management of their supply chains.
• Learn how to measure BCM capability in a consistent and recognized manner
• Learn from Business Continuity experts on their experiences with BS 25999.
• Determine the steps needed to become certified to BS 25999 from BSI.
• Network and learn from peers in their industry sector.